You’re going through scores of EXPERT SEO consultants, and each one makes you feel anxious.

Usually, you have NO idea what the hell they’re saying or what they’re even doing, but no one is teaching you SEO… it needs to be done to keep the business afloat. The norm.

Many are cheap, they COULD get results and rankings… and you’d no longer need to work up your sales pipeline, you can start with a warm lead.

… and IF you do get increased rankings, 9 times out of 10 you still lose them in the long run due to the SEO Freelancer using short term liabilities like building backlinks and not caring for the user experience.

My name is Jake Goss-Kuehn, and I’ve been doing SEO for 12 years solely because of this one thing:

My clients like me because I do not do GUESS SEO.

I use their own data and come to each meeting with a scientific and proprietary process that is unique only to me.

Clients end their weekly meeting with me FIRED UP. They know exactly what is stopping them and can work alongside me because they understand SEO intuitively after their first hour with me.

Let me lay out my 3 phase process:

The first step is clear as a checklist with 100 boxes, and a live video showing you where, how, and why its drastically important.

Instead of sending you a print off of a bunch of numbers that do nothing for us. I identify the core 100 foundational issues holding your website back.

I manually check that with a full scan of exactly how Google crawls through your website and tell you: You have red flags, some pages have a high bounce rate, not solving this means the problem gets magnified with “SEO” work.

That audit is usually 1 to 3 hours and 10 to 15 hours to implement.

It feels like knowing where you have a bunch of porcupine pricks from your hands and finally pull them off of you.

The second step is benchmarking.

Our goal is to use your own website’s data and the 80/20 rule to earn you #1 rankings.

Most sites only have 10 pages that get all of the traffic, why aren’t they doing more?

We open up each page on Google Search console, understand what is the #1 and best performing keyword it currently has, and then identify 100 other metrics that the competition is using. We’ll determine exactly how many more words, images, video, bullet points, more or LESS you need to beat the competition without over optimizing for your main keyword.

We identify where we can link internally, so your website and its pages can be 100% sufficient 10 years down the line.

We also take a snapshot of clicks and impressions month by month, so you can see the bottom line growth.

It takes us about 1-2 hours per page, and you will never need to change what works.

We meet each week for motivation, and you will understand with complete transparency.

The third phase, is keyword research for me is done when there is NO more pages on the website that can be optimized to the front page, and is the last step (everyone else suggests it as their first step for some reason).

I understand what keywords your top performing pages are going for, and find opportunities and give our benchmarking snapshot and metrics to a writer.

“Write 2240 words on this topic, with 5 h2 tags, 3 h3 tags, 6 bullet points, and include 23 images”

Quite easy and cheap to delegate and beat the incumbent this way.

With more #1 rankings, this lets you rank for even more difficult keywords that are more lucrative than what you’re currently ranking for...

With enough content built, we can go back to the benchmarking step to help these new pages rank… but also go back to the old pages that can be re-optimized for new keywords that may be “unlocked” because your website became more authoritative given its SEO reach.

I have had a 100% success rate for SEO implementation in the past 2 years using this process serving clients in the Minneapolis area under the Web Strategy Viking Minneapolis Agency (I’m just one fella), and I ranked my first SEO keyword for my own business 12 years ago in 2007. The businesses that aren’t a perfect fit would have their websites hosted on Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, etc… To that, I offer a complete redesign into Wordpress, within a month - but that’s about it. When you are ready for me to implement my process into your business, build you the front page rankings you website should have, I invite you to reach out to me and request an audit. My turn around is within a few days, and it will be more transparency than any other SEO or digital marketing hire you’ve ever had.

I’ll be looking forward to your request for an audit. -Jake Goss-Kuehn PS: I run the Web Strategy Viking agency, you can check our 5/5 reviews on Google PPS: If you scrolled all the way down, and didn’t get to see me describe my proprietary SEO process, you can learn SEO as well as get free SEO work that 100+ other companies have received on my website.