Adjust your new patient strategy to properly use digital for 2019

You've already read how to do chiropractor SEO, but needed to implement the actual methods onto your website to grow your practice using Chiropractic SEO.

You'd read this if you go to Google and type in Chiropractor + your city, and fail to see your chiropractic office at the top (or anywhere). Usually, 1000s of people are looking for Chiropractors and 10% of people in America have used a Chiropractor. I'm currently a patient ;) getting regular adjustments, but that's another story.

Its no secret, using backlinks is the key that creates digital marketing success outside of doing Google Ads and networking. In this post, we'll talk about very specific SEO backlinking strategies on how to grow a website's keywords using backlinks, what those are, and how you can get networking to grow your practice's website.

Hey, Jake Goss-Kuehn here. I'm the founder behind the strategy at the Web Viking Agency, and host the free Digital Strategist podcast and blog. I train other SEO interns and people trying to use SEO for Sales growth and implement best practices onto websites to get them making phone calls.

I'll be sharing very specific backlinking strategies that chiropractors are yet to do to grow their chiropractic practice with SEO.

BTW: The depth of how to do Chiropractic SEO is goes deep and can't fit within this 20 minute blog post, so if you don't want to miss more high-value pieces of content like this, consider subscribing to our free digital strategy newsletter and get updates only when we publish something new.

In a previous post, we answered many chiropractor SEO secrets. So in this one, we'll provide more actionable advice. If you haven't started there, I recommend you open that one up and return back to this post.

What are website backlinks for chiropractors?

When a web page is properly search engine optimized, it takes into effect if the webpage can even be found online by the search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The next step is to build backlinks. Backlinks are incoming hyperlinks to a website determine how relevant that website is to a user and usually more high quality links to a website produces more relevance and trust that this website is exactly what that web user wanted to find.

Why bother with building SEO backlinks for chiropractor practice?

If your chiropractic practice is not being linked to from your local chamber of commerce, local chiropractor directory, or even at all. Then that website is of the same SEO score as a kid's pet project. Building links is free, and building citations is incredibly easy. You can follow those tips and get to building.

How much does my competitors, like Joint Chiropractor spending on SEO?

The Joint Chiropractic Search Engine Optimization company does really well.

Its the difference between you getting daily phone calls instead of your competitor or a franchise chiropractor like the Joint Chiropractor.

A local chiropractor can expect to pay $2000 to $10,000 depending on the competitiveness on the city and the competency of the SEO. A local Minneapolis Joint Chiro SEO strategy costs them $3000, and they have 30% of the market share of Minneapolis Chiropractor, which is about 300 in monthly website visits and 20-30 new patients per month. This cost is not maintained, but earned and kept as a sales pipeline channel.

It can be easily disrupted if a local Minneapolis Chiropractor invests in SEO using and implementing these tactics. They can do it themselves, and its not unique to chiropractors. Other industries can use our SEO citation building tactics themselves.

But this is how we can really crank the productivity up and produce a lot of high quality back links from people in your network that you care about. People that are relevant. The goal is relevancy for your website, brand, and your new patients trying to find you.

Here's how to find places offering Chiropractor SEO backlinks

The first step is to find topics that are being used for your local blogs. These are blogs or content rich websites of people that write pieces (much like this blog post) that link and talk about other people, but you want to find the right

If I type into Google the topic Gluten free, you can see all of the extra phrases that people type in. Keep those, but for chiropractors it might be something like Hernia, Spinal Adjustment, or layman talking about joint pain.

Here is an example of how to find topics people are trying to find

Now to find to these blogs. Just add the plus sign (+) to your Google search and add "blog". Now you can find a "blog"that talk about "spinal adjustment" somewhere. Clearly they are discussing that on their website.

Go back, and find those blogs from above's topic research, and find the top shared and followed content and add it to a list or spreadsheet to come back to later.

You could also go to Reddit or a forum and browse the website for that, align by top rated, discussed, etc, and find the top ones or go deeper in the website finding additional content rich websites. The goal is to create a list of options. Not all options should be where you spend your time.

You can notice and find what the link creators love. These are some things you can find what your link creators like. What if you build a infographic for someone that helps them prove a point? They'll love you. You gave them ammo for them to grow their brand. They'll give you a shout out.

An example of using infographics for SEO credibility and networking.

They could be healthy tips or info graphics that they use a lot in their posts. Visual or impact pieces of case study and experiments that back up their claims that make them look like an expert, or whatever, things you haven't picked up before you have now.

Some creators like to go differernt ways, so you can write to both or niche down.

They can let you think a bout specific things and other things you may have left out.

Maybe instead of spinal adjustment + blog, you could put in spinal adjustment best practices, or add on treatment or case studies at the end. Learn what people are talking about.

What about using academia for chiropractor SEO backlinks?

When you deal with's all day, an .edu link is a highly saught after domain type.

A lot of these colleges and universities have a "resources" page for people to find links. If they have a medical and health sciences department with a resources page, its usually maintained by a college kid sitting around. Link to them a study they can use, and they'll add it to their website linking to your chiropractor practice as who created the link.

Now that you have your list, the next step is to put these domains into a tool like Ahrefs...

The industry's best tools for chiropractic SEO research and implementation,,,,

Find what pages have done the BEST on their site. These SEO research tools have a score for these websites between 0 to 100. Obviously stay away from anything close to 0. I record my general feelings about these websites scores or run an SEO audit for my chiropractic client that prints all of the scores in a few seconds on a piece of paper.

Some of these websites let you offer Guest Posts or even purchase a link on their website. Both are "OK" but Google does not want people to purchase links even through its like 70% of what SEO is.

The top pages you see might show a pattern of backlinkings. The web pages you see have higher results also have a higher number of incoming back links. Only link creators can link and usually they prosper. We look at high quality links, maybe page authority, but don't want to over think the process.

You're overthinking it. You have a list and growing it. You want to be mentioned as one of the best chiropractic offices in your city, right? So just find people that have the authority so you can use SEO to be the best chiropractor.

Here's how to get on the best chiropractic blog posts... just find the "best" blogs.

Just find "best of" links.

Again best of these are lists of other companies being rated. There may be underserved potential. So things that are exotic may do well in Ahrefs and other tools. But sometimes people make lists like this so they can form a lot of relationships at once.

If I listed your practice as "the best chiropractor of 50 in Minnesota", you'd link out to my blog post and proudly say: "We're credible, they said so!"

So you can do the same, for other non-compeiting chiropractors and bloggers.

You just want to write one power page at a time. This is a massive list.

Here are the current results for the best chiropractors of 2019. If a chiro was linked from those pages, they'd get results if it was a trustworthy site. Yelp is pretty trustworthy, don't you think ;)

But here's the thing. If you want to make a best-of list mentioning 50 of the other chiropractors in other states. Maybe people you networked with... you can grow ALL of their practices as well as your own. You want to create pages to that topic on your own website, and that angle that these creators want to link to.

You get most of the glory though, and many other SUPER RELEVANT chiropractic websites linking to your website. As long as they're in different markets, its a win win for everyone.

Here's how to use Youtube SEO for chiropractors.

The average american spends 4-hours a day watching video. Even though I own and work on daily, I still spend much more than that looking at training videos, listen to lo-fi music, and watching other people stream video games as I do SEO work.

Your potential patients spend a lot of time consuming content too.

This technique lets you use youtube search to find your people. Over 1000 people each month type in Minneapolis SEO in youtube and find our company at the very top. Go back and check that again. It was a super short video.

Little 60 second commercials get people's attention for a split minute just long enough for them to consider your chiropractic office. Guess how they'll find them?

We have 5 videos for chiropractors (and many more for other industries, if you want one, just fill out this little form below and ask for a free video.

Still: Youtube lets you find things that are a bit different. A lot of time, topics on youtube will do well even as text-based- posts. Many of these videos show the total views. You can create content on what is really interesting. Currently there is a multi million view blog post on Youtube that is just people getting their neck snapped discussing how they'd either NEVER get chiropractic care and some viciously defending it. Guess who gets all the free promo. The small chiropractic company who uploaded that content.

We've found that if it does well on YT, will do well as text piece of content and vice versa. If you find something that will never work, it will.

You can topics from this process. We've found a lot that was more like experiences. What is it like, what to expect, etc.

The videos cover what to prepare for a day of chiropractic care, what does it feel like, simple stuff that you may be finding otherwise just trolling through Youtube as a consumer.

I would spend some time to look at it that you'd link to, when you get to promotional strategies you can link to other content creators..

Focus on these topics, grow your list of influencers, and the next step is to go step- by-step into winning power pages that attract and bring in results that cause your link influencers to want to link to you.

You both prove each other's mutual points, you both get seen as an expert, and both get traffic and results from it.

We'll cover exactly how to cover a power-page in our next post on our blog. Check it out, share this if you got value from it and subscribe if you want more value. We're aiming for 40x posts like this every month.