Hey SEO bros,

I've nearly 3X'd my website's traffic in 3 days, and I'll tell you how I did it overnight.

And its going to be permanenet.

All without doing any SEO work.

Most people spend 15 minutes on it, You too can do the same.

I used the SEO roadmap checklist to identify problems on ON MY OWN website as (instead of just clients), I identified that my website was loading in 11 seconds to 4 seconds. (YOU GUYS NEVE TOLD ME, I can bring that to 2 seconds but look:

If people aren't even seeing the website, they'll leave. If it takes way too long to load, they'll go to a competitor that does.

The tool I used to check times was GTmetrix.com, 100% free - I've never needed to pay for it.

The domain authority went up from 13 to 17 since this morning, and I moved everywhere in the search results. Ahrefs likes me more because of REAL numbers.

What that means is the website has actual relevancy and more trust. I get shown instead of other companies. My website gets shown instead of some chiropractors.

(If you want to fact check, I'm at www.webstrategyviking.com)

These are REAL numbers. People are STAYING on the website, people clicking through, reading and sharing content, refering, enjoying and linking to a quality website... benchmarked and all major issues identified with the SEO roadmap checklist.

... obviously these Real numbers I'm sharing with my clients and prospects.

And having my SEO training pay for itself 📷;)

Here are the numbers involved that will work for every single client:

They know the site takes forever. They're starting each website user on a terrible basis.

They can either get WP Smush, get caching plugins, or use this plugin to instantly load pages...

Free: http://instant.page

The way you can earn an instant $200 per client is to get them to pay $500 to host their website on a dedicated server and $200 to cover any page speed issues using Fiverr work. There are tons of resellers.

(It was a 3X increase in 3 days)

Listen to m8s, if you're still not getting hits on your own website, get the free lite audit.

How the F8ckdoes this shit work?

Basically: Just make a faster, and better user experience. The rest will follow.

I'll be taking the certification course with you all, and will be showing muh gains all through it all.

If you want to pick my brain, before you dive in for yourself before I Get too busy, just private message me or leave a comment.