Taking Chase Reiner's course

Send Contact Form
Get the Contact Info of the Main Person
Go to FB, Find Him. Call them.
Hey Mark, Outreached you on your website. Like to hear back from you.

$97 Course, $200 Roadmap

Start with your own site, or a local business, before advancing to a national or affiliate product.

Title tag: 75 characters
Meta 320 characters
Meta Keywords: Deprecated, they are not used anymore...

Recommend using Mozbar to see the data

Nofollow on footer links, ie "built by webstrategyviking", b/c having 100 links going back to you is detrimental

alttext: photo of jack, what the photo is


Free Content -> Audit $200 (repost on website)

Take video, of Before and After, and data points you can use:

GSC data, go to analytics, show organic traffic started rising...

ACQUSUTIONS, measure thank you page

Compile a Course: Give Away

Scrapebox, automatically fill out forms for keywords,

1) Check MozBar on their homepage
2) SEOSiteCheckup
3) GTMetrix
4) Screaming Frog

Put together the list, top 10....
Thin content, no CTA, getting citations build, fix on-page issues, generatig 2-3 reviews a day on google,

Craigslist services, ie SEO
Search Engine Optimization

Looking to increase your personal or brand presense online

Maybe you need to tsell a product or service.

Either way: Social media and SEO are great ways to do just that

My name is Jake Goss-Kuehn and I am very skilled at SEO, Web Design, and Search Engine MArketing.

Give me a call today at 123123123 to discuss what I can do for you or visit my website at www.webstrategyviking.com

Add screenshots of results

1) Make sure pages are unique on Craigslist...
2) Give away roadmaps for cheap clients

citation builder pro, 65 for 100 links.

If you’re going to sell it your business outright like I did, I suggest you contact business owners in your niche + area and tell them that you would be willing to sell your business and all the leads with it for “x” amount, ideally the price is up to and depends on how competitive, your niche + area is.

For renting your leads out,  you’re going to sell leads to either a target business or freelance worker based on either conversion data tracked through your Analytics or have potential clients buy services through your website and you pay the business or worker a percentage of what your sale is.

I’ve found that fair percentage for this sort of thing usually is about 30%.


  • Reciprocity. Giving away for free
  • Scarcity, I only have enough time for a few clients. Have a lot, can't be taking on that many, I can help you now, but im not sure about later
  • Authority, Show authority you are talented in your niche.
  • Consistency, Able to sell a roadmap, then sell higher, b/c agreed to smaller thing.
  • Liking.
  • Consensus. What others do, is that they start with a planned roadmap

1) Plan Roadmap
2) Do Roadmap
3) Suggest Next Steps for Upsell, Keyword Tracking & Do SEO
Setup, Conversion Racking, Offline Tracking, Rate Tracking

Free, on Channel. Private for $300.

Screaming Frog (Use DeepCrawl for anything over 5k Pages)
Ahrefs, Link Analysis
ASK: For GSC, Analytics Access

1) Plug in URL in Screaming Frog, pay for DeepCrawl
2) Open SEO Audit and name text as Crawl is going
3) Add Sitemap, check if submitted to search console
4) Make sure correct version of website is on, HTTPS or HTTP...
5) Robots.txt, anything disallowed, want google to crawl or not. Want to keep like that, like site migration, or somethings will forget and will get huge drop in traffic
6) Look at whats being indexed "site:website.com"
7)Look for whats getting indexed, Tags, Authors, Categories, Dates ie 2017.
8) ie: "site:website.com tag"
9) Go to Yoast->Archives noindex
Categories, noindex?
11) Years/Dates ie 2017

Look at On-Page
1) Look at entire Moz Bar look at elements, have SSL...
2) Page Title... etc what is lacking, H1 shuld replicate page title
4) Structured Data Testing Tools, OG and Schema markup.
5) Pagespeed score
6) About page MArkup...
7) Internal Linking

Screaming FRog:
HTML Pages, look at things, left to right.... or go to Overview.
Just put down and go down the page...
Paid version can integrate Google Analytics...

Using Conversion Tracking, KW Tracking, Online/Offline Tracking,
Filter by lsat few months, look at tracking, where is value of conversions, if its set up...
Look at audiance, languages, locations, behaviors, Ideally, biggest part is setting up conversion tracking and going in site speed, and load times, and looking at top landing pages, Cross ompare in GSC. Look up further, further optimize for these pieces of content.
Content, internal linking, putting certain text on H2s...