This is one the best tactics, needs to reach out to make it work. Shrinking dollar inforgraphic, 1500 results inforgraphic share trigger: social currency Sharing things make you look good? You're like to share it. Give you a unique opp to prove people right. It gives people PROOF. ie I told you that the dollar i shrinking: see??? Step 1: Find a topic Find link creators are especially passionate about. Take note of any issues your link creators discuss or are passionate inflation, since the link creators were SO passionate about that, that could bean angle Step 2: Find your Angle Need angle to be effective. An angel is a subtopic of the topic you came up. A subtopic that tells a story. Storytelling is underused and powerful share trigger. The stories cut through the noise. Angle: Inflation is hurting the average American Angle: Ping Pong is a very legit sport. Not just a time sink. Step #3: Gather your info. Now is matter of collecting data you'll use to support your angle, this flys in the face. Most people is to create cool charts and graphs. Ehhhhh that’s why they fail. Need to forget charts. The data needs to tell your story. You want to tell it with 6-10 data points. Too little not too useful. Too much, noise gets lost. Step 4: Create your infographic wireframe. Now you have the stats, now structure the inforgraphic itself. Now let’s start at the top and work down. First is the title. Title is different for 2 reasons. Not a lot of room. Up to 8 Words is good enough, that is to introduce the story. Next need some intro copy under the inforgraphic, what angle you're covering. Now organize the data. Put the most eye catching at the top, and sets up the rest of the story. Next, rest of data should be specific stats that tell your story. The first statistic gave people the big idea concept that inflation is a real deal. Rest of stats show WHY. For example, show price of gas and bread. These stats show and relate with the main one. Step 5: Design your Inforgraphic with the work; you're done more than 99% of designers. Instead, they spend all of their time on this step...Of course design is important, design is 10% is info's suggest, other 90 is data and such. Unless you're an amazing graphic designer, you want a pro. Infographics follow 3 design principals.1: Lots of SPACE, gives info room to breathe2: 2-3 Main Colors3: Use creative visuals, graphs, etc Step 6: PROMOTE---When you publish case study style content on your site, you can embody one of two personals Hero or MENTOR, most people overuse, with the trademark, figured it out, and conquered it. Trademark, you are the hero with the hero, you step out, you're the wise verterin helps someone else get success. You're the mentor, the mastermind, you're the overseer. These results were 100% were from his own work. Even though, he was his own hero, being yoga works. Your expert position skyrockets, but when you can help other people get results, you look world class. You get to tell a great story, that storytelling is a powerful share trigger. It gives you opportunity that sticks to people's minds. You have a post with huge utility. What can be more useful than a case study of someone else getting results. Step 1: Identify someone you've helped All it matters, someone achived tangible results, and helped them along the way. If you're a personal trainer? Did you help a busy mom lose 8 lbs? If you run an agency, did you help a client get 10+ leads per month? That’s a good thing. Moderate results work best because believable and relatable. Built 21+ backlinks, not too much, but someone believed in it. No worries, if you don't have anyone yet, you can proactively find them. When someone asks you for help, ask them for a write-up. Ask them to walk them through the process, for free. Needed help, and wrote the results up. Step 2: Map out how your hero achieved those results Go back and identify took from point A and point B. Make those step 3-5 steps. If your hero is the busy hero. The steps look like: made an appointment, cut soda out, and went to gym 3 times. Her journey looked longer. Got frustrated, tried home DVD program, asked sister for recommendation, asked you, etc...Using the "moving man method" for his ecommerce SEO campaign Step 3: Create your HERO formula case study Here’s how to do it, step by step. Title: Need specific benefit, number, and timeline. Need specific your benefit achieved, next is number, need to include number quantifies benefit your hero got. Need timeline, timeline was 1 day, etc. Need intro. Very careful about intro the story. no fluff, no filler. Add section for "meet the hero" should: Introduce the hero, and outline the problem they have before they got your help. First, you want to quickly introduce your hero. Courtney is a 39-year old exec at a local bank .Next give context about what they were like BEFORE you met them.... and the issue she was facing until the met them. Once you have your title, intro and meet the hero, its time to get into the results they achieved. Countrery made an appointment with me Jan 3rdBulleted results. Then list out the steps in step 2 of process, each will be sub headers, then just fill in the details in each sub header. No detail is too small. Simple yet effective. Then conclusion: Summary of results, motivational saline, and CTA to comment... that’s it. That’s all there is to it. That’s how she lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks. Best part is, YOU can get the same results by just following if you found it inspiring I'd appreciate if you could share her story on FB. Also would like to hear from you: have you used any of these strategies to lose weight, leave a comment and let me know. Then you're done. ---Content Creator Link Building Outreach email: I was looking for some information on Local Minneapolis Online Marketing this morning when I came across your excellent resource page: what a fantastic list of resources! I actually just published someone on ACTIONABLE LOCAL SEO I'd be great if you would consider mentioning it on your page. Complementing their work, then very gently recommending your resource. Use search strings like "SEO" + resources to find resources then find the contact page that finds the web master. Technique, mount rush more method. Looking for "best of content creation" posts ie Top 50 money saving articles, ever. etc