
You are listening to the web digital strategy podcast led by the local Minneapolis digital strategist, Jake Goss-Kuehn. In this podcast (this should be the first), we are going to be talking of the goals of this podcast, where you as a visitor, viewer or listener can comment and contribute to and how you can access to our live training in every single week (in networking every single week). Also, how you can help grow these podcasts to be really what you want. As we are starting off, we are going to be caring for the fans, giving you exactly what you want to hear (you know that is marketing fan service).


What is it that you want to hear? You can send all these information by just contacting us over at the, just go over to watch this podcast and ‘boom’ right there, send in suggestions, send in feedbacks, send in comments. If you can send us an email or through social medium message on any of our platforms via Facebook or LinkedIn medium, just reach out and we will reach out to you too.


As we are growing, we want to make sure that we can grow your business, that is the goal, we want to help you grow your business. If you are a Freelancer, we want to make sure that you get clients, if you do marketing for a small business, we want to make sure that you become that rock-star that everyone says “he is not just the IT guy, he is the guy that brought us the account”, someone counters “no way” and they answer, “No, they came to us because of him and we don’t know how he does it”. We want to grow our businesses in a scalable and efficient way for us to become an expert in whatever world that we are in.



It is 2018, and it is time that all these collectively step in, all the resources are out there, there is nothing scary about Google anymore, you could always google help on Google if you don’t know what to do.


But, I will be focusing first and foremost to help out local business owners, it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t care about business owners on the East-West coast, but this is a Minneapolis local podcast, we do have quite a few people lined up for interviews, but as thing go out, there are a lot of video editing and a lot of audio editing, making sure all the pieces put together and hopefully we will be able to put these out and see what sticks, right? My goal is to provide as much value to you as a listener, viewer, follower, fan and my goal for you is to take any achievable tips that I provide for you and try them up and let me know what work and what doesn’t work. Let the group know what works and what doesn’t work, and we will be able to learn and grow, prosper and grow our business or our professional life and really just become that expert that everyone really needs.


It is difficult if you are in marketing, a lot of marketers are soured by the lemonade of the all the so-called marketers that cannot turn a dime. And it is sad because if you are pulling 7 figures, you don’t get that much attention, if you are pulling 6 figures, great! Does that mean you can help a 7-figure business scale? Of course. The biggest thing I see is people’s inability to organize (which is a problem I have had for long), and another person inability to have does interpersonal skills and the third is just the tactics. Are you able to do the things you want to do? Like if I say, “Can you rank me in the front page of google?” Will you be able to say, “I can do it in 6 months”, Is that possible? Will you do it? And a lot of this things are not quick win but once you start investing your time in them, you are certain to see returns. Some of these things I will be talking about are quick wins, things that you can achieve and things that you will be able to use like after each podcast.


So again, thank you for listening, thanks for joining me on this training. If you just started listening to me in the future and you are coming back, I want to thank you for just being there. Thanks for following, thanks for listening. If you have any sort of comment, messages, feel free to reach out to us at the website podcast and we will talk to you then. Thank you very much, thanks for listening. Good bye.
