
Hey, this is the Web Strategy Viking podcast where we talk about creative way where local business can grow their business when it comes to online. My name is Jake Goss-Kuehn, I am a digital strategist consultant at the webstrategistviking.com agency. I will be focusing in this 10-minute episode about trust signals in this mini-series and you get actual tips that you can use to grow your business. With that been said, in this episode we are going to be talking specifically about honesty signals. Honesty signal is something you cannot just fake, when it comes to who you are as an individual or team or a company. You just cant fake it.


Honesty signals in the animal kingdom is like peacock feather, the more vibrant it is means that the peacock has been eating more, doing more and has more vitamins and if it is a longer clump of feather then it is mean that it got good genetics. When you translate that to business, what is the trust signals and honesty signals that a strong business and a trust worthy business can or will be able to portray. Think about what it is that your customers really respect you for and if you have listen to few of the podcast in this series, you probably learnt a few things about consistency, in business if you do the same thing consistently with your service or product, at every time so that one customer doesn’t get a different version of what he originally of what both the 2 customer orders Technically the same exact thing. So with that been said if are able to go through and standardized every single transaction, the same is going to be easy for them to refer because they will say that this guys are really smart and this is what they got me and when another person said this what they got me too, then that is how you can be able to build trust. This helped, they will help you do the same and people will come and say I trust that what is going to happen because this people have gained the same experience. If people know what they are gaining, then they can really trust what they are getting. It could be different when somebody gets something amazing and somebody gets something mediocre that is not fine, that’s what you get, and you knock five stars review. So, with honesty signal a little business thinks about things you can use that are not fake. It is very easy for someone to say or brag about themselves that you are actual good. But if you get someone to give you an award, that is hard to fake. What if you really get 10 reviews, okay that is harder to fake. If you are able to have your website or you company mentioned on another website that’s hard to do, it is not how the fake people still do, but if your website is talked about all the then only is an honesty signal that your company is noticed especially if there are blogger or company, if the local chamber of commerce link back to your website that is how to fake. It beyond what a customer will appreciate.


Google and all the search engines love these honesty signals for your business. It is 75 percent of what SEO and search engines opposition really is. Think about the next time you think you have something to do that is digital. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, because that makes something inconsistent but if you are introducing your new product to a new weight to describe your business. Is that going to go against what you have been telling people or is it just a clear and slight modification? If I say in the website and I change it then people will say I am confused, and you will be inconsistent, but if I say we build website and we take them and improve them, then people can go to their website from the search and they will say that’s a little bit more in-depth and make sense. But we refine it that we build your website if don’t have one and the we take your website and make it work for you using different digital then people will say oh, that’s in resonate with me.


And you can still adjust and refine an area on your idea your big picture but without any need of confusing people too much. So, if you have trust signals such as the ones I said having a website talk about you, that’s huge. If you can create this trust signals and this honesty signals that are very hard to replicate, your customer will see that. So, I will give you some 3 quick action tips that you use right after this, and I will love to hear your comments or anything you have done from this podcast to grow your business. This is the first thing that I will highly recommend in building this honesty signals


The first is to ask your EXISTING CLIENT BASE FOR REVIEWS. Review are very hard to fake and Google will penalize you if you go out and make fake reviews or you don’t even have clients and make such fake review. Ask your client to leave a review, if you can leave a review on behalf of your customer, just ask them to give you permission and say, “if you are not able to prepare one, I have something for you that I think you are probably going to say, can I publish it on your behalf”, or “can you paste this write up or manifesto and publish on my behalf using this link?” You don’t go ahead and publish some will ask if it give a 5 out 5 experience. simply say thanks for asking you guys might not work together, the next customer experience is going to be good that’s why there is reviews and I will give you 5 out of 5 just because you do really care about becoming providing a better service.


Effective Podcasts on Digital Strategy Consulting by WebStrategistViking.com

You just ask your client base individually to say that here is a review that I will like to publish, can you publish, or should I publish it for you? What that will do is it add little upon layers and layers of credibility to your business.

The second aspect is to DO A CASE STUDY OF THE COMPANY YOU HAVE WORKED WITH AND PRESENT THEIR PROFILE ON YOUR WEBSITE. This will serve as proof of your competent and will be able to get the trust of others. Having such a bunch of reference of companies we have worked with, that will contribute to the trust signal. Clicking on the logo and blog will show all your previous link with the company so people can say whao! this is amazing.


The third and final tips is JUST SOMETHING THAT YOU DO PERSISTENTLY. If you do any sort of networking or inter phasing or been with client just make sure that you are the same person all the time. No one wants to see a person going up and down in what they do let it not be that, who is the real you. It doesn’t matter what happens or what has been happening if you see that inconsistency in yourself they might see that inconsistency in your work and in your relationship.

So, with them with those 3, SENDING OUT REVIEWS, BUILDING A LOCAL AND TRANSITIONAL SIGNAL AND MAKING SURE YOUR SELF PROFESSIONALLY IS CONSISTENT, then it will not only project that self-worthy brand you are going after, you will also be building that trust and honesty your brand has, by saying that they do what they say they do and act the way they say they act, and work with the people that they say they work with. This way you are building a trust signal.

I want to thank you for listening to this podcast and there are many more. Feel free to share back any comment on how this help you to grow your project and business. Thank you.
