written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn

Dental Marketing

Marketing 1 min read

The ultimate guide for dental marketing.

Why do digital Marketing for Dentists

Digital Marketing for Dentist is as simple in theory as you can make it. A solo practicioner office needs patients like any other professional, and this digital marketing guide on patient generation is based on what is tried and true.

When marketing for patients for a dentist, you need to worry about getting them in the chair. Patients don't care at all for teeth exams - if you're a regular joe, you hate the drills and the reminder to floss. Even the responsible ones still skirt around a complemtary visit as they have proper hygene. So how do you get patients for your dental office?

The demographics of a sub group for marketing directly for patients need to be laser focused. The whole, "know your enemy" as Sun Tsu said works with Dental Marketing - so lets dive into that.

PRIME Method for Dentists

Seriously: Do you know who you're trying to Woo to bring patients into the office? Lets deal with a focused subgroup and have your brain bubble up possible ways. Instead of finding a patients for a dentist in Minnesota by looking at each city - target 21-25 year olds within a city. BOOM. Right there, you have a laser-niche... but we can go one deeper.

What if you have a Minneapolis dental office, you could target unmarried women, from the ages of 21 to 25, that are about to be married, and "hint hint", are about to do the whole beautifucation process on their pre-married selves.

Without making them sound too vain: THEY WANT TEETH WHITENING. Its super easy to address and give to someone who wants their photos to look great for their children to see their pearly whites. Plus they can tell their kids to brush their teeth to have pearly whites like "Mom" in her wedding photos. Plus, the groom can always go too.

But you're already hesitant. Even through teeth whitening is $50 (if that) and your hygenist is the one that does it, you're against it. In that case, I want you to hit the "x" on this window. You're not keeping up with the other dentists in the east and west coast. The Midwest dentists marketing are just not catching up on this method.

But if you're still with me - I'm going to show you how to get free teeth whitening patients for minneapolis dentists. Lets truly get started.

SMILE: Your teeth are yellow as heck.

Thats what any average Jane thinks when they see your ad for anything dentistry related. Ask any college-aged girl, and they just want to look good. If they flossed as often as they party, then Dentists would go out of business.


When someone sees a dentist ad, they aren't thinking for their optimal oral health. They just want to be better in their social circle, and feel more confident. So: SELL THAT.

WE do this by offering a stellar copy of an ad (feel free to copy), and posting that on Facebook.

You already are aware of all the lawsuits and fraud regarding Facebook. And how its so errie just how much they know of everyone (and your ideal patients)... but now you can market to them, specifically.

So when you make an ad group, target that demographic of female 20-somethings, that set their profile as they're screaming "OMG IM GETTING MARRIED"!!! Well, Facebook knows and can put your ad in front of them.

Pulling out my Butt, conservatively 10% of people that see your ad click through to it. Facebook's ad service is a Robot that improves itself pretty quickly and when tinkered with, you can get it to maximize the level of patients coming in as it learns who, and what kind of person is more likely to be a "success" for you.

But, stick with that number for now: 10% of people CLICK you ad. You want to maximize this dental click through rate. Shorthand, this is your dental ad CTA.

Now what?

If you're like every other digital marketing dentists, then you have a landing page focused towards your free teeth whitening offer.

Your teeth whitening prospect clicks through to a page, and right now it looks trustworthy, and its just a form that collects the prospects information. No one has met them, but when they fill a form, then you now have a dental marketing qualified lead. These MQLs are leads that have been collected by this marketing process.

But now, not every prospect turns into a patient. Oh boy.

So: Again, you get a new statistic. This is your conversion rate. This is the percentage of landing page visitors (which were people who clicked through in the first ad), that ended up filling up the form!

This dental conversion rate is now your dental landing page's level of success. Reasonably, targeted traffic have a 20% chance of converting. Hell, these are people that ALREADY want the product.

This is the same % you can expect if you had an ORGANIC landing page, so when people type into Google on their phones for a "dentist that does teeth whitening", 20% of the time they will fill your form that way.

But going back on track.

Now that you have a dental MQL from a lead generated, there is still the compliance issue here of having the lead come in!

When you have the lead in front of you, you should always call them. They filled the form, and its so much faster to circle back and talk to them right away... but maybe now you have a 50% chance of getting them to come in because they know nothing about you, and maybe they filled the form at 2am and now totally forgot who you were after a few days...

It happens.

So how do you fix that? Theres a catch 42, damned if you call, damned if you don't.

So how do you nurture a teeth whitening prospect? How do you instill trust in your patient before they become your patient.

How do you get the final patient IN through the door? To sit in the dentist's chair. And to become a long term patient through this teeth marketing formula?

When I do this, I get them to fill 3 things: their name, email, and phone number. When they type in their email, they INSTANTLY get a confirmation for teeth whitening. (They also get another free bonus on a secondary "thank you" dental landing page that helps with conversions).

With this series of emails that are automatically set up, you can use free tools to do this, but send an email every 24 hours at 8am for the first 72 hours, and a final 5th one at the end of the week.

The first email says: Hey, thanks for wanting teeth whitening. I'm looking forward to meeting you, etc. I'll be sending you free stuff for your healthy, soon-to-be-white teeth!

Then the others just pepper in advice, testimonals, and the dentists testimonials for marketing just cause them to opt-in to come in on their own.

Now you're not cold calling patients for dentists... you've got a dental marketing magenet.

You should be able to do this yourself within 4 to 8 hours. Even if its your first time.

Its a lot of steps. I believe in you.

If you're an office manager, you just earned yourself a huge bonus.

If you're a dentist, you just bought your children access to the finest schools.

If you're a patient: well, you know how we're trying to help get free teeth whitening.

Because now, when you come into the office, you're going to feel so obligated to this "free sample" that you'd be already looking into becoming a long-term patient.

Hell, 95% of patients through this formula do so. Because, you'd prob just go to your dentist and get teeth whitening if you had one. You probally moved into a new area, and saw one of my ads.

Anyway: you know that you're happy, the dentist is happy, and the hubby is happy.

Because now, the patient can SMILE. As they have white teeth... for now