written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn

Hire me for this inbound sales funnel

sales 1 min read

Let me create your sales funnel for converting inbound leads into customers for $989.In short, you'll get a designed and copywritten landing page, thank you page, email drip campaign, and I'll host it all and forward you the leads. No monthly bull.If you're one of the first 10 to PM me, you can take off $500 the entire from the price since I want to fill my pipeline for 2018 early.The rest of the post is exactly what I did to bring in 76 leads, which generated over $500,000 of projected revenue for a Bloomington MN dental office on a shoestring budget.We're using my dental office client as our case study; if your business generates at least $250 per customer I will take off $500 in this cost since it works for virtually every business.Reading exactly how to set it up yourselves should take 5 minutes and an hour of elbow grease. Otherwise, feel free to PM me anytime to get started and I'll take off $500 if you at least reserved a spot via PM.The rest of this post can be done DIY (Feel free to clone or use this funnel in any way)What I did for my other client and what I'll do for you is fully provided is incredibly simple. You can do this in-house for like $100 per month and clone exactly what I did, outsource it to 3rd party ad specialist for 500$/mo on Kudu.io to get SEM traffic to flow to it, or have me build and manage the sales funnel, but getting it set up is the first step!Lets walk you through exactly how we brought in 76 patients to this dental office. You should be able to do this yourself when you're done (or hire me).Its boiled down to four steps:

  1. A 3 part Landing Page sales funnel that offers free teeth whitening converts focused traffic. See: Landing Page 1 and Thank You Page You can swipe both. I will use your website, use your logo, and any photos you provide.
  2. People opt-in for free things and law of reciprocity converts at a rate of 95% if its a valuable opt-in. I have the stats for this. In my dental ex, it costs the hygenist $50 to perform the teeth whitening, and to uncover dental concerns so they are a patient your practice. This brings in $10000 in long-term value. From a Blooming MN office study, 19 of 20 people who sit their butt in the dental office after getting free teeth whitening will become a patient.
  3. Why Setting up up the email autoresponder on a web free app like Mailer Lite is worth it. Opt-ins are sync'd with an app like Call Rail. This tracks every phone call, and uses a 3rd party number that will reroute to the practice's secretary. It will beep before they speak, so they know its a person that is basically trying to be "closed" by scheduling a time.
  4. Finally, you target Facebook to drive traffic. $100 in ads on Facebook can reach a lot of individuals. If you're unfamiliar, facebook can be used to specifically target demographics and behavior of people. Target single women, that are engaged, between 18-40 years old. You show them an ad that simply shows a woman with a smile with the text "Shine for your special day". You'll bring in people to the landing form.

Your competitors though, are doing the same thing. I've walked into tens of dental offices, and ran this study by offering to do this at cost. Bloomington Smiles, in MN, returned a 95% success rate because they stuck to my plan fully (and shared the information).I recommended Kudu.io for a specialist to manage ads, does it better than I ever could, an SEO firm can still help, but this is barebones and you can do this in house in a day. You can clone my landing pages if you have clickfunnels. Not even kidding. But you are now armed with this information.It would had cost them $100 in ad spend to bring in at least one patient.Anyway:Send me a PM for me to set all of this up for you, after an inital Q/A over a video call, and I'll build this out for you within a week.Thanks.