written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn

How I earn $100/day passive designing turnkey websites

Web Design 4 min read

I used this method to generate $100/day.

All I needed was $15 in my pocket and caffeine in a cup of coffee.

Introverted web designers like me will like this sort of stuff.

There's no cold calling, technical work or even implementation work required.

You just need to read this 2-minute post and decide if people place value on time.

... and I have the code to 100% automate it using Selenium (a web automation tools)

You just need to press a few buttons at the right moment (It'll make sense soon) THAT'S IT.

I don't use this method since it takes an hour a day. I make more from consulting.

But if I were in a financial struggle, I would follow these steps to the F^#$J letter, and get a consistent $100/days.

Let me boil it down.

👉 Most people believe it takes time to index a website on Google and to get out of the sandbox...

👉 Most people think websites have value ($5000 site), and some people buy and sell websites like businesses.

👉 Most people believe they are smart and savvy, and seeing a website for sale worth $100 will have them foaming at the mouth (since they think it's worth $5000).

👉 Most people believe there is a catch for a $100 website - they're not expecting much, other than basic functionality (maybe).

So this is what you do:

Get a cheap shared host and domain ($15 for the year for unlimited 1$ domains to be hosted).

Get one WordPress website (which anyone can edit easily with page builders, and paste PLR content (licensed text you can buy for pennies).

Install analytics, search console, and all of the relevant plugins (ask me for a folder of all of the plugins).... should take you a few minutes.

Seriously: all of this for a new design should take less than 15 minutes.

Copy it, and now you have a product.

NOW, the hardest part.

List it on Flippa starting at $1. The domain cost $1.

Don't pay for ANY fucking extra fees. List it for 3 to 7 days.

THEN: This is how you get 1000 biz owners to see the listing:

Use an app like "Find That Lead" and pull leads.

There are 100s of apps like that for free; I cover that on my website's blog (have a link).

Paste the name + email, and data in a Google spreadsheet.

Then use an excel sheet plugin called "Yet Another Mail Merge." It's an app that allows you to send 50-400 emails a day.

At this point, your coffee should be empty. The entire day has gone by since this process will be confusing as fuck your first time...

But you'll get a bid for $46 and pay for ALL of the costs for the next month.

Now, do it again.

You repeat all of the steps above for a new design because you're feeling the excitement...

You build and upload something EVEN better, in half the time. You upload it, get a bid of $123, no big deal. . .

Then you think to yourself, "why the fuck am I doing honest work when the buyers are buying websites for $100 expecting nothing other than you saved them a ton of time..."

So you do it the smart way.

You buy a domain - 1-2 minutes.

Press the clone button that clones websites on your server, installs WP, and builds the entire site out ~5 seconds instead of 5 hours.

List on Flippa and sell to the EXACT same list... saying "Hey - it was too late - you missed out, but I put it out again for $1 "

Guess what, buyers' remorse is your friend.

They buy, you go to the host, initiate the transfer, and email the buyer letting them know it's a done deal.

You can run 30 unique sites a month, or 14, with two every two weeks. Etc.

Anyway, after 30 days of hustling... which is what you should do if you're not doing at least $100 a day in near-passive income (you can hire a VA to do this entire step).

And guess what: if they're a legit business, you can always upsell more.

$50/mo for managed hosting. $200/mo for cheapo SEO, a $100 SEO audit.

The sky's the limit when you're automating using that spreadsheet system.

Given this was for a contest: If I win, you can send me $100 for a website if you wanted to take me up on that ... plus $100 for rust skins.


Let me guest post this process for a backlink on your site, share the raw Java code for the bot that does this.

Maybe then, Ruan Marinho might let me guest post on the website showing my B2B outreach process.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach our SEO company here.