written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn


6 min read




Welcome to the Web Strategy Viking Podcast where we talk about creative ways that you can use to grow your business online using digital. And in this podcast, we are going to be talking about email prospecting, and as it retains not only new potential opportunities but also generate some levels of measurable success with clear indicator and if you are doing it right with the techniques on how to do it well. It will take not more than 10 minutes, and at the end, you are going to get some fast and achievable advice to send out up to 100 personalized email everyday to help grow your business or organization. This is hosted by webstrategyviking.com, and I am your host Jake Goss-Kuehn, the creative director for marketing and SEO.


Email marketing is something that have the highest return on investment, not only on the time spent if you are investing on your own email but on how you can use it as your own ATM. If you have the email list of people who have purchase from you, and you are sending weekly emails, you can able to just that list of the prospect of clients engaged. I you can do this, I promise you, you are going to be on the fore-front of their mind. If they are truly getting values form you, that is one of the fastest ways to eliminate the price over objection that people usually have. What that means is that if you go around in talking to prospects or potential customers, the first thing they as you are, “Hey, what do you cost?” or “How much is your price?”. If you can establish trust even if they haven’t work with you yet, they might be a customer. They might get across to you that they have learnt so much about you and they see the business working between you, how much will it cost? So, the conversation should go on focusing and positioning yourself on how you can help them because you have position yourself as an expert who can do that. If you can communicate that over time, there won’t be any barrier on you starting business with the customer.

Email marketing typically comes from having a lead, referral or business card, all going to a central location. It could be segmented into different list but if you are a small business owner, you can just put all your prospect in one “bucket” and your clients in another. A lot of company calls this a newsletter. However, if you are in a business, let’s say you do roofing, where you make about $10,000 - $30,000, and it seems that what people only care about is the price, how do you separate yourself? How do you separate yourself if you are selling a commodity and you want to be first and foremost in their mind? But if it is a service where it is something that you can provide more even if it is non-profit, how do you stay relevant? So, make sure that you can keep all the people that you can send email to organize; their name, phone number, email address and so on. The cheapest and easiest way to do this is to have a spreadsheet with all the email of the people that you can or have done business with. You can do this with their name in one column, their email in another column, and that is truly all you need, but if you are able to put in their industry and any sort of categories that matters to you and your business that you should record, you can go ahead and do that. Sometimes, I use some scanning application such as Zoho, I just collect their business cards, scan it and automatically, it sends an email. Sending an email, even one can help you start that conversation digitally. Sometimes it takes a square jump from “Hey, you are familiar to me” to getting online “Hey, I am getting email from this person”. There is possibility that one of every 3 email could sell, and what I mean by that is that, list your number, list the next step, but everything else should be like, “Hey, reply back if you think you get value from this” or “If you like, you can share it” or “feel free to check our blog for more stuffs like this”. For them, they want free value, which is obvious what they want, so allow them access to it. You can also email them for referral from someone who might be interested after the 5th or 6th email conversation. You can start by emailing them about pure value, this is what I meant by the ATM, you send them a weekly newsletter, maybe you do web designs and you cater to other web designers. And every week you put up a list of the best website seller built by freelancers, and people like it and they respond that, “Wow, that’s a great site, who made that?”. So, people engage you, they reply, they are interested and like what you do every month and then you can start tapping into that.


Imagine a straight line with different spheres and balls in between, email 1 connecting to email 2, connecting to email 3 and email 4 and so on. So, if one engages in that email and have the line going down perpendicularly and going left and right, which could be like your main email list. As you have people go into your main email list, there might be some things they might be interested on. If I do digital marketing, obviously, I just want to talk about different aspect of that, but if I want to niche down and find something very specific. I will just talk about different benefit of that and just test that out in a weekly email and have a different pin-point or topic within that. People might respond to that, and I can use that same actual data to say, “Hey, I should send more of this data because people tend to respond to it more”. What I mean by that is, let’s say I design website that generate people leads or phone call for businesses, I can tell a story about how someone does not have a website, but now they do and now they are business owners, and prospects and customers now see them as trustworthy. If they click on that, then I put a few software that I share and they just follow this and from there I send them other email on that niche. If such person still engaged after about 3 or 4 messages, then you know they have a chance of taking an automatic step to take decision.

If you can just do that, then you are able to grow a newsletter and then get tangible result from it. There is a free service called “emailerlite” and it is a phenomenon and free email app that you can send to a lot people email every month. So, if you have a newsletter for like thousands of people, you can just send them an email like this, they not only give you leads but a landing page, a pop-up thing you can add to your website which are super cool stuff. So, I will love to hear from anyone who gets value from this podcast and if you are able to implement something like this. So, feel free to reach out. I will love to hear from you.

Again, thanks you for listening to Web Strategy Viking podcast, stay tune for more. Thank you.