written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn

How This Digital Strategist Uses Gmail To Set B2B Appointments Worth $10,000 Each Week (B2B Email Outreach Process)

SEO 2 min read

Potentially getting $10,000 worth of B2B Appointments is a very low (and achievable number) in the business to business world of sales and marketing. As a Minneapolis Digital Strategist, I'm here to help you fill your pipeline of opportunities in under two hours of your time.

Score this template for free

You can get this template directly (no opt-in needed) here.

Here's the 3 step method before I share a little bit about who I am and share my own templates involved.

0) Your goal is important. Have the goal in mind. You want to set appointments with business owners and decision makers, so that is the focus of our email outreach guide.

1) Gather contact data (with their email) and add it to a Google Spreadsheet of local businesses

2) You draft a very simple 3-email campaign of three emails (Intro, Reviews & Testimonials, and the Break Up Email)

3) You launch up the free plugins to send every business owner an email, and wait until they reach you by the Break Up Email

4) ???

5) Profit

My name is Jake Goss-Kuehn, I'm the lead digital strategist at the Web Strategy Viking Marketing Firm Based in the Minneapolis area. I first got into SEO when I was 15, where other students and I wanted to build a "lawn care" business and I ranked it and got my first client on auto pay... without even having a single conversation prior. Since then, I kept SEO and digital strategy at the back of my mind, always trying the most exciting marketing strategy and learning from the great copywriters, gurus, and marketing experts. When Ruan and I say we've spent $10,000s on digital marketing education... we mean it. We've invested in our own college experience and real tactical skillset. This is why I'd like to share our not so secret b2b email outreach method.

How we send 400 Emails Per Day Using Gmail (and pocket change)

From personal experience from testing campaigns, we've followed several email marketing courses for SEOs, and this template takes the best of each course, simplfies it, and simply makes it easier to implement an email outreach campaign using just Google.


Here are the number's involved.

Like most data-driven digital marketers, we use a powerful model to track the profitability of our work. Without data and analytics, you're merely guessing and feeling if it works. Don't do that, have the focus always set at achieving ever-improving numbers.

We use the TCV model to track revenue of a project. Simply stated, it is traffic times conversions times value.

If our average web design package is $6000, and 50% of the time the customer spends another $8000 on SEO services ($2000 + 6 months of $2000 SEO)... 50% of $8000 is $4000. Meaning, each conversion is worth $10,000.

We can only control the value and repurchasing based on our own service and the handling of our customer's expections of the project.

But the traffic a.k.a. the number of emails you send and the conversion rate a.k.a. the percentage of business owners that end up

You collect as many qualified emails as possible. I have included the template that my Minneapolis marketing firm provided, where you can easily hire a virtual assistant to collect business information from online directories and databases for only $20 for 1000 cold suspects.

There with under 2 hours of time invested by you to do so, the first step is just to contact them. The easiest and highest return can be determined right there.