written by
Jake Goss-Kuehn

St. Paul SEO

6 min read

Learn How One Hour Of St. Paul SEO Can Do For A Small Business That You Can Use Today

How To Do St. Paul SEO For A Small Business That You Can Do In One Hour

At the end of this article, you will know EXACTLY what needs to be done to win more business for a local St. Paul business by setting aside an hour of doing St Paul SEO.

When Web Strategy Viking moved from doing SEO within Minneapolis to doing SEO in St Paul … we noticed an entire environment change when it came to doing local SEO in the Twin Cities

When it comes to digital, it was over 1000X harder to win to do SEO marketing in Minneapolis than in any other city in Minnesota.

Here's why Doing SEO in Saint Paul is 1000X Easier

In Downtown, there are a ton of Minneapolis marketing agencies that charge five to six figures and have marketing budgets of millions of dollars to attract the largest companies in the world. We are humble and stay doing Twin Cities SEO for small businesses. So when we noticed that our small business couldn’t get with using their affordable SEO service that they needed we made this post showing how any small business owner can do within 60 minutes to grow their business doing St Paul SEO.

That being said, my name is Jake Goss and this post will take five minutes and give you an insight on what one hour of time can do for you to grow your business.

Let's get started.

Where Does Our St. Paul SEO Results Show Up?

When potential customers try searching for you, they put in something like your service plus your city into their phone. For example, "plumbers in St. Paul" might be what they would search to find, well, a plumber in St. Paul.

When they type into their phone (or on their computer), they see those 10 little blue links. Those 10 blue links are 10 websites that took the time to show up for that query (or keyword).

You can see how advantageous for a plumber to want to show up for St Paul, if they are based in St Paul. But they can also target other specific solutions such as "emergency plumbing in St. Paul", "burst pipe service in st. paul", "24/7 plumber near me", etc.

Now the customer sincerely needs to find help immediately, and if they are positioned well then they will instantly be able to close business as long as they pick up the phone.

This post will demonstrate what one hour of SEO work looks like, how to do this kind of marketing, and how to start to bring a business up to those 10 blue links.

Why Should You Invest One Hour Doing St. Paul SEO?

One hour produces a lot of results. No doubt you’re noticing that we, as a newcomer, are trying to show up for keywords that trigger results for our company.

We measured the results of doing SEO, and we see that for every 100 people that visit our website, one person wants to meet with us to learn more, half of those people are not a perfect fit and we let them know, and half of those people remaining that meet with us begin a service.

Our economic value of getting a customer for our St. Paul SEO agency is about $12,000 for their first month, and a post like this might attract 50 people per month of people trying to find our services.

You’re one of those 50 people, so maybe you can see it like this.

This post takes about 60 minutes to research, prepare, edit, publish, and build upon.

And it produces one lead per month valued at $3,000. For every four leads, we’ll close a sale.

Here's how we calculated that.

One hour of drafting a page products an asset that produces one lead per month. On average, that lead has a 25% chance of closing a $12,000 value contract. The main keyword we’re going for, St. Paul SEO, is 40 of those 50 in monthly searches of people

However, that is simply for the keywords we chose. There are many other keywords we can go for, but we are newcomers and want to be the Saint Paul marketing company that can produce the most good for local business owners here.

But that 60 minutes of SEO work produces an asset that we can chime in, every month, and as long as we show up where we’re at every month, we’ll keep earning that value from our website every month.

What Does The Work For Search Engine Optimization For St Paul Look Like?

This is what search engine optimization looks like at its core level. It looks like a lot of subtle shifts and answers exactly what the customer is looking for. No, it's not saying the same keyword over and over, but answering the search as best as possible.

People trying to find this web page are trying to search for a St. Paul digital marketing firm, but what if they wanted to find your company? Just make it clear that you’re the type of company they want to find.

Really, it boils down to that.

What do you do? Answer that.

Where are you located? Say it!

But that “on page” work is 20% of SEO that is what most people understand, but the deeper bits are a bit tougher. Backlinks is the part of SEO that most companies struggle with.

Backlinks is the remainder and the more effective part of doing SEO for local St. Paul businesses that gets undermentioned.

That looks like a hyperlink from another webpage to yours. So when my pages link to this St. Paul page, it boosts it higher in the search engines.

The web pages link to each other and share the context, trust, and authority of the pages. We talk about this in our Podcast and other blog posts, but I’ll spare you the details of this in this post.

How To Do Digital Marketing For St. Paul?

The basics for doing digital marketing in St Paul is the same around the Twin Cities. We notice the same digital marketing formula work to get to closed business.

Let me explain.

A website needs traffic, and website visitors end up feeling there is enough trust for them to connect.

This first connection can be a newsletter opt in. If they are searching for a solution, give it to them in the form of a quick eBook, cheatsheet, or newsletter email.

Then, when they are given content like this blog post emailed to them over time, when they need to hire you, they will. They’ll reach out when ready and be a quick and easy sell. Sometimes they just go purchase right there and then on your website, so it's handy to have a form or centralized sales funnel for a small business at hand.

The great thing is that its somewhat automated, with both data and results dripping from the funnel and you can always make changes and check if those changes were beneficial and increase the value of the funnel so it starts to build wealth.

It's the little things.

When does the work for SEO in St Paul Kick In?

Here's a fast answer: If there's no competition, and your website is already trustworthy and established it could take anywhere between 4 days, to 4 weeks, or 4 months before there are noticeable results.

As a new citizen and neighbor providing internet marketing services in St. Paul, I would love to get your feedback. Let me know if you got any value from this post by sharing this with your team on LinkedIn, Facebook, or social media. That way, you can make sure other St. Paul businesses doing SEO can do so effectively and get the knowledge and what they need to grow their business.